Bored, Burnt Out and Successful

What do a 40-something dental hygienist, minister and lawyer have in common? Aside from being clients of mine, they are all bored, stressed out, making good money and seen as “successful.” What else do they have in common? – They can’t see...

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Five Secrets of Career Happiness

Five Secrets of Career Happiness

Do you ever wonder why some people can’t wait to get to work on Monday morning, while others can’t wait for the workweek to end? Happiness at work is not necessarily the result of a big salary or position. Instead, happy people know these...

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Fall Is a Time of Transition

For many people, fall is a time of transition: kids going back to school, shorter days, end of daylight savings time, falling leaves. No matter how satisfied we are, the seasons help us remember that we need to let go of some things and move on...

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Keys to Networking

More than 65% of people end up getting jobs through networking. The hardest part of networking is your own internal resistance. Out of shyness, many people avoid going to networking events. With a little preparation, you can overcome your...

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A Time To Reflect

This is a time to be grateful and reflective. We’re well into the year and a good time to consider our economic circumstances. It’s time we all sit back and reflect on our lives, both professionally and personally. Understanding where you are and...

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Dealing with Distractions

Wait, what did you say? Distractions are often the biggest threat to career success. They get in the way of our jobs and, if not handled correctly, they can keep us from achieving success. In a lot of situations (especially work situations), how...

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The 60-30-10 Rule of Job Hunting

Here is a simple rule to improve job hunting from Howard Figler, noted author and career coach. Of the hours that you devote to job hunting, make sure that: 60% of the time you should be in face-to–face contact with people in the world of work...

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